Friday, October 21, 2011

If Home is Where the Heart is...Then I'm in Two Places.

I must start this blog by apologizing that I have not yet updated so many of you since I left home! I feel terrible about it. I figured this weekend would be a perfect time to catch you all up on the life here. This week was midterms week: the third to most terrifying week of the semester. The first most terrifying: Move in week. Second week: Finals week. And obviously this week as the third. At least that's the stereotype. I throughly enjoyed the first week since I knew the people I was flying across the country to meet. When I walked through the security gates at the airport that morning my family and I were all crying. However, once I got on the plane I started thinking about the people that were picking me up and the people that would become my life long best friends. -For those of you who don't know I met about 10 people through facebook and well all clicked together. It was part of God's perfect plan.- Anyway, as I met these people for the first time I knew we would be in each other lives for a while. Some of us became best friends before we even got here, and the others it took a little longer to understand, but things have worked out. ;) The move-in day was a bit of a pain with moving around so many times due to getting a "new room" (one of the guinea pig rooms, they weren't finished when we got here.) We moved into our official room around 9PM that night though. Things have settled down pretty much since then.

Friends: God has blessed me with amazing friends here! They're crazy and fun, but know when it's time to be serious. The difference between some of the people at home and the people here is the purpose and goal of the friendship. Ultimately we are to help each other in our walk with God. Also, I have a chance to be someone for them to talk to when they are having a bad day, got a bad grade, or met some boy. ;) And they are here for me. The girls are like sisters, and the guys are like brothers; we are family.

Roommates: My roommates are Karina Antonsen, Dawn Mellinger, and Deanna Case. We all get along fairly well, but the screaming could definitely come down a bit. ;) Dawn and I have screaming fights, but it's always in a loving way. I have yet to get truly frustrated with any of my roommates.

Work: I work anywhere from 9-15 hours a week. At first the job seemed treacherous, but now it's definitely a job I can handle. I love the people I work with, but I think I'd prefer a job like Hostessing. I definitely do like the chance to work with the people in the dining common and get to know and meet different people around campus through my job.

Grades and Classes: I came in with the mindset that I needed to study, but I didn't think it'd be this much. It never ends! So that didn't help me a lot at first, but I'm definitely getting the hang of things.

Rules: Lights out by midnight. Which means I am past curfew. ;) I will write more tomorrow! Love you all and miss you all from home! ♥

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