Friday, April 1, 2011

Angela's 2 Month Late Birthday Party! :)

So the other day my neighbors (two ten years olds- Sydney and Gentrie) told me they wanted to throw a belated birthday party for my sister, Angela. So, we went to the store and bough decorations for the deck and came home and decorated the deck. I think it looked pretty spiffy. ;)
We then make amazing cheesecake in which I enjoyed very, very much... ;)
There is no better way to light the candles on the cheesecake than with a blow torch. Can you tell we are pyro's? :)
Leticia also decided to go and make it a dance party by adding some little dance moves into the night. She looks like a ninja!
OH! We also added some new party guests. This is my kitten Scrat. We have a close relationship.
And since I showed our crash guests, I have to show you the original party goers.
Oh, and from left to right we have the names: Christina (me), Leticia (Lety), Angela (Bug), Andrea (Chip), and bottom is Gentrie (Gen), and Sydney (Syd).
And here is just some bonus shots... :)

That night was a lot of fun. I would do it again in a heart beat. Well, goodnight everyone!

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