Tuesday, September 2, 2008

the start of a new school year

So, I have been in school now for almost 3 weeks. I have alot of tests already. Nampa High is so much different then some of the schools I have been to in the past, although there is a much bigger variety of electives i can choose from. I could choose three, they are Concert choir, mixed choir aka chamber choir or audition choir, and parent child development. In parent child development all the students enrolled in the class have to take home one of those plastic babies, we have to name them, take them to church :S and take care of them. We will have them from a monday after school to a tuesday before school. I'm kinda nervous to take it into my classes and especially to church. I'll be fine with it everywhere else I go. Although some of the faces I will get are going to be very interesting so I'm not too excited for that. I'm not sure what to name the baby yet and I won't know whether I'm getting a boy or a girl until I recieve the baby. As for choir, I have to play the violin as an accompliament for the practices and concerts. I'm very nervous for that. Well, other things have been going on besides school this past weekend I completely rearranged my bedroom, everything is moved except two bookshelves, the walls and the loft. :P The cieling on the other hand well.... :P My Uncle Gary came over yesterday and trimed all our trees, I was kinda dissapointed with how much had to be cut but I guess they still look okay. Maybe I'll post some of the pictures of what he did later, maybe. Well that's all for now. Til later.

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