Friday, December 26, 2008

Christmas time was here

So Christmas is over already. We finally had a white Christmas but suprisingly I didn't go play in the snow like all the other years I had when we didn't have hardly any snow. Well, I got a camera for Christmas. It's a silver Kodak C913, it works really nice, hopefully it won't break after a month of having it like it did last year. But whoever made my camera was either really tired or something, they put the battery signals on the wrong side so it took me a REALLY long time to get it to work. Oh well, now I can trick people with it somehow. My gramdma also brought back a jade neclace for me from China. On Christmas Eve almost all the family was at my grandmas house. For two of my cousins it was thier first Christmas EVER! And they are 7 and 9! Thier dad is a Jew and he doesn't believe in Christmas or God at all, but just recently he got a divorce with my aunt so she had her first Christmas in 14 years and her daughters thier first Christmas, it was so nice to see them for a long time! But now since they got a divorce my cousin Cameron is moving back to CA! :'( I don't want to see him go, he's been living in Idaho for two years, but he's glad he finally gets to go live with his family again. So I guess it's a good thing. We'll just miss him alot. Oh, and my Grandpa and Grandma finally caught up with getting thier kids bikes, my dad got his first bike on Wednesday, and he's FIFTY! I was so happy when I saw him start riding his new three-wheeled bike in the snow I started crying, barely though. Before presents we had our annual, but dying tradition. My grandparenst love to see me and Angela sing (though I don't see why) so they asked us to prepare a song and sing it for the "talent show". We were the only ones that did it this year, so maybe next year the tradition will stop or they will force others to do something for us all too. :) Angela also got a bike, replacing the other one she had that my brothers broke when we were in Portland about 2 years ago, we both also got a new bed set from Kohls for a really good price! It's blue and tan, it's really pretty! Well before you all fall asleep from reading this I guess I better stop talking now, Merry CHRISTmas!


Anonymous said...

BORING! I LOVE hearing about your fam!! (And you know, don't you? *Hinthint*) I got a bedset too! I will post pics on FB and my blog when I get them! ♥♥

Christina said...

*winksback* HAHA! Get the pics!

Anonymous said...

I need to see pics of your new bed blanket! I loved your gingerbread man one! *snuggle*

Christina said...

Okay I will try to post pictures of my bedset when I get them, so it might take a while! :D