Tuesday, August 13, 2013

It Is *Okay* to Ask for Help

Today has been a day to remember. I stayed at home most of the day and talked to a few people about some of the struggles I'm going through right now. I'm very, very thankful for these people.

For those who don't know, my family is going through a lot of different financial difficulties right now. I've mentioned in a previous post that we are trying to get a new car, but we are also going to be moving relatively soon for many reasons. This is something I am struggling with more than I ever imagined. I knew things were not where they needed to be, but this isn't what I had in mind. 

I've also had some rough spots in a few relationships within the past couple of months. This is something that we are all too familiar with, I'm sure. I have tried to handle this on my own in the past, but it is clear to me that nothing has been solved, only temporarily patched. 

I'm at a point in my life where it is easy to think I've gained control over life. I'm a college student, I'm working, driving, and paying bills. That must mean I've got this. . . right? 

If anything my "fixing things" has made some things worse. I really can't do this alone. Today really helped me realize that. 

God has placed some very godly influences into my life that I am so, so grateful for. These are the people that I need to go to for advice in the little and the big things. 

Now maybe, just maybe I'll remember this later in life. But of course, pride will always step in and try to make me think "I got this". That's when I know I don't and need help.

I'm hoping the lesson is clear. Everyone has a lot of struggles they are going through and we always try to fix them on our own. But, save yourself some time and some hurt and talk to God and to those who are walking closely with God. It will help much more than you think. 

[To my godly friend, thank you!] 

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