Tuesday, October 1, 2013

More than Just a Day of Prayer

Today was a day at Bob Jones set aside for prayer. Prayer for missions, the government, unsaved friends and family, those who are sick, and more. I can safely say that the day of prayer is one of my favorite days on campus. It reminds me of how important it is to constantly talk to God. Prayer isn't meant just meant for meals, for hardships, and definitely not just for the day of prayer. Prayer is supposed to be something that we are constantly engaged in. I need that reminder more often than I am reminded. Throughout the past two weeks I have been really struggling with something. I am not entirely sure what it is yet, but I know something is there bothering me. I have been trying to cope through this by just simply confiding in my very patient boyfriend, but it's just all too much. I was able to share a couple of the things I am going through with some of the girls in my major this morning, and it just broke me to hear my requests being prayed about. Hearing about it from other people is making everything that is going on a reality, rather than what I have been hoping to just simply be a dream. Tonight in prayer group was family night, and it was my turn to share about my family. I had been thinking about what to say and do for the past couple of days, but with hopes that they would not ask for prayer requests. I had planned that if they did, I would talk about everything very briefly and then move on. Well, towards the end of the 15 minutes they asked if I had prayer requests. While I was trying to be brief, it was not as simple as I had hoped. I simplified, and even left many requests out, but ended up in tears by the end of my second sentence. The struggles that I had been facing while at home this summer are now a reality.

Usually when I post on my blog it is about something that is past. While I may wish that these trials were over, I know that these trails have not even yet hit their hardest points. I am not entirely sure what to end this post with, except asking for prayer and a small challenge. I have been thinking lately a lot about how my actions, thoughts, and even sometimes my emotions effect more people than just me. I need to be considerate of how I display those actions, thoughts, and emotions and make sure that I give praise and glory to God. Even through trails and difficulties.

1 comment:

Mrs. Ster said...

Oh Christina, so many people love you and your family! And God is listening to the many prayers that are being said on your behalf. It sounds very cliche' but it really is true~God uses these difficulties to refine and build Godly character in us. And how we respond can be life-changing. A soft heart during trials is fertile ground for growth in the Lord. And so much good can come from what seems at first to be such an awful situation. God is awesome like that. :)
Love you, girl!!